Finding Balance in Pottery and Life: A Lesson in Centering

As I reflect on the past and look to the future, I wanted to share a lesson that I learned some time ago. One of my retirement goals was to spend more time with my parents, and we took a weekly pottery class together. It was during this time that I learned the importance of centering oneself in both pottery and life.

When working with pottery, centering the clay is the first and most critical step. If the clay is not centered, the sides of the bowl become unbalanced, leading to an imperfect final product. Similarly, in life, being uncentered or unbalanced can result in feelings of unhappiness, depression, and other negative outcomes.

While the events I mentioned may be from the past, the lesson I learned is still relevant today. It’s essential to take a strategic pause and think about how centered we are in our daily lives. This week, I encourage you to practice mindfulness and pay attention to your feelings and how you spend your time. Awareness is the first step towards creating a more balanced life.

Remember, even though life may not always be neat and organized, by staying centered, we can navigate through its messiness with greater ease and grace.

Wishing you a centered and balanced week ahead.