🌟 Commitment: Keeping Promises to Myself for a Fulfilling 2023 🌟

At the start of the year, I found myself at the Eupepsia Wellness Center, poring over my journals from the past few years. It was time to unearth the recurring themes that had been quietly keeping me from fully achieving my intentions. And there, amid the inked pages and introspective thoughts, I discovered my guiding word for 2023: Commitment.

January in 2023 began with me recovering from a knee injury sustained during a November hike. Neglecting my hiking poles led to persistent pressure on my right knee, eventually causing a synovial cyst. The following months of November and December found me confined to the couch, a situation I was eager to leave behind as the new year beckoned.

Then, amidst the twinge of recovering knee and the stirrings of determination, I penned down my new year’s resolution: Commitment to self – a pledge to honor promises made to myself. I resolved to take small, consistent steps toward the changes my heart had long been yearning for.

The changes I sought were grounded in the echoes of my past journals. I read about my longing to exercise more and reduce the hours spent sedentary, a familiar refrain that had often faded into oblivion after setting intentions. But this year, I was determined to break the cycle.

As my knee began its slow healing journey, my hip started to ache, presenting a fresh set of challenges to the commitment I’d sworn to uphold. After an unfortunate delay due to catching COVID, I underwent hip replacement surgery in June. Emerging on the other side of this ordeal, liberated from pain, I was faced with redefining my commitment in light of my newfound physical freedom.

For me, embracing commitment in the realm of health meant placing my well-being at the pinnacle of my priorities. Though I had a history of athleticism, I had often allowed other obligations, mainly work, to overshadow my dedication to my own health. It was a psychological battle, with my mind attempting to persuade me that other matters deserved my attention more. But this year was different; this year was about unwavering resolve.

Throughout this year, I’ve continually reminded myself of my commitment to my health. It’s required strengthening my mental fitness and daily reaffirmations, a persistent mental dialogue that propels me forward. Even prior to my surgery, I did what my body permitted – engaging in pilates and swimming, seeking solace in movements that didn’t aggravate my pain.

Now, eight weeks post-surgery, and liberated from the grip of pain, I’m engaging in the daily exercises that once seemed trivial – particularly the work with elastic bands. While these movements may seem minor, they contribute to incremental progress that fuels my motivation. Witnessing these tangible results encourages me to persist and reaffirms the potency of commitment.

But what about you? What is your commitment to yourself? We’ve all experienced the challenge of keeping personal promises, but with the right approach, success is attainable. 

Below are some valuable strategies to honor your commitments. First, I want to say that strengthening my mental fitness through the  Positive Intelligence Program is the foundational key to all of the below strategies. Our Saboteurs can and will derail us if we let them. 

1. Be Realistic: Set attainable goals within your current capacity to avoid frustration.

2. Set Clear Goals: Define your commitments explicitly; clarity wards off the distraction.

3. Write It Down: Transform commitments into tangible entities by jotting them down.

4. Prioritize: Gauge the importance of each commitment and order them accordingly.

5. Break It Down: Dismantle larger goals into smaller, achievable components.

6. Create a Schedule: Allocate dedicated time for your commitments, treating them as crucial appointments.

7. Use Reminders: Employ reminders to stay on track, especially for commitments spanning time.

8. Accountability: Share your commitments with a trusted individual, and find an accountability partner or a coach.

9. Visualize Success: Envision triumph to boost motivation and perseverance.

10. Stay Flexible: Adapt to life’s unpredictability while maintaining commitment’s core.

11. Celebrate Progress: Acknowledge small wins along the journey to maintain enthusiasm.

12. Learn from Setbacks: View setbacks as opportunities for growth, adapting your approach.

13. Stay Positive: Cultivate optimism by focusing on the benefits and significance of your commitment. 

14. Practice Self-Discipline: Forge ahead even when motivation wanes, relying on discipline.

Compliance with personal commitments hinges on mental fitness, dedication, consistency, and adaptability. By weaving these strategies into your life and embracing an unwavering mindset, you heighten the likelihood of keeping promises made to yourself and creating a life you LOVE living! 

Just as my commitment to self has transformed my year, your commitment can lay the foundation for a more fulfilling journey in 2023.
