Embracing the Messy Journey of Feelings: A Path to Healing and Fulfillment

Let’s dive headfirst into the fascinating and sometimes tumultuous realm of emotions. Yes, we’re talking about feelings – those intricate threads that weave the fabric of our human experience. They might be messy, complicated, and downright uncomfortable at times, but let’s be clear: they’re also essential to our well-being. After all, ignoring our feelings is like pretending a storm isn’t brewing – eventually, it’ll catch up with us.

For many years, I was the master of evasion when it came to my own emotions. I put everyone and everything else ahead of my own needs, convinced that staying busy was the solution to my internal chaos. Admittedly, deep down, I probably sensed that facing those feelings head-on would be a daunting task.

But as fate would have it, my journey toward emotional awareness began with the launch of the Onward Podcast. It was through the poignant stories shared by my guests – stories uncannily similar to my own – that I started realizing my emotional vocabulary was rather limited. Words like ‘happy,’ ‘sad,’ ‘good,’ and ‘bad’ had been my emotional default settings. It was then that I began appreciating the power of truly feeling and identifying emotions, of giving them names and acknowledging their physical manifestations within me.

Feelings, I discovered, are akin to energy currents within us. When we let ourselves feel them, we allow those currents to flow freely, preventing the buildup of emotional blockages that can potentially lead to physical and mental health issues.

It was during this transformative period that I sought guidance from a counselor who helped me name my feelings. This might sound elementary, but it was a revelation. She’d gently remind me, “Emily, you’re sharing thoughts, not feelings.” Eventually, I turned to a handy feelings list that became my compass in this emotional terrain. Let me know if you want me to send you a copy.

Facing emotions head-on was no walk in the park, though. I had to learn how to label my feelings accurately and subsequently learn how to manage them in a healthy manner. It was a journey that took effort, but the rewards were monumental. A significant turning point was when I gradually tapered off my medication – Fluoxetine (Prozac) – which I had been taking for years under the guise of managing menopausal symptoms.

This journey was multi-faceted. I embarked on coach training, which emphasized self-work, and embraced the Positive Intelligence Program. My interactions with several coaches enriched my perspective, enabling me to wean off the medication over a span of four years.

The moment I began forming a genuine connection with my emotions, my world shifted. My dreams, long dormant, sprang to life. I found myself crafting the life I’d yearned for but never thought I could attain.

This isn’t to suggest that navigating our feelings is always a breeze. But remember this: our emotions aren’t something to be hidden or ashamed of. They’re part of the intricate tapestry that makes us who we are.

So, if you’re one to sweep your emotions under the rug, I implore you to pause. Allocate time for yourself to slow down and explore your emotional landscape. The revelations that await might astonish you.

Ready to embark on this voyage of self-discovery? Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Create a Haven of Calmness: Find a serene spot where you can truly relax and be alone with your thoughts.
  • Breathe Deeply: Close your eyes and inhale deeply, exhaling slowly. Let the rhythm of your breath calm your mind.
  • Body Awareness: Tune in to your physical sensations. Are there knots in your stomach, a tightness in your chest, or a lightness in your step?
  • Identify Emotions: What emotions are stirring within you? Joy, sadness, anger, or something more complex?
  • Mindful Observation: Without judgment, observe the thoughts that traverse your mind. Let them drift by like leaves on a stream.
  • Embrace Non-Judgment: Remember, feelings aren’t right or wrong – they just are. Allow yourself to experience them without self-criticism.
  • Express and Release: After naming your feelings, find constructive ways to express them. It could be through journaling, talking to a friend, or engaging in a creative pursuit.

While mastering this practice might take time, the journey itself is profoundly rewarding. By connecting with our emotions, we equip ourselves to live life to its fullest. After all, the feeling is living, and embracing our feelings is the key to unlocking a world of self-discovery and authenticity.
