Conquering Fear

What fear have you conquered and how did you conquer your fear? One of my most memorable experiences in facing my fear was a long time ago, I was a junior at the Naval Academy and we had to jump off the 10 meter diving board. Because I had injured my knee, I was not able to jump with my P.E. class. I didn’t have the peer pressure of my classmates waiting behind me to jump.

I was on the tower all alone. It felt like my head was going to hit the ceiling and the distance looked really high because I could see through the water to the bottom of the pool.

If I did not jump – I would not graduate. I was terrified. My roommates played the song JUMP to encourage me! To be honest, it took me several days to get the courage to jump. On that day, I ended up jumping 8 times in a row. I learned the power of the thoughts in my mind – my mind made the experience much worse than it actually was.

I’d love to hear one of your overcoming fear experiences/tips.