My keys vanished mysteriously…
right before a trip from Rehoboth Beach to Annapolis with my grandson.
After searching the trunk and unpacking and repacking bags, I decided to ask my 7-year-old grandson for help.
I opened the trunk to show him the keys weren’t there.

And then…
Marshall saw the keys.
They were right at his eye level in a place I would not think to look.
Marshall’s face beamed with pride.

This incident reminds me of several leadership tips and I could write a blog on each one if I made the time. I’ll keep it short.
- The most experienced person doesn’t have all the answers.
- Seek insights from the most junior team members.
- Don’t hesitate to ask for help.
- Solutions can be right in front of us, and we may not see them.
- We are stronger when we work together.
What lesson do you recognize?
Please share in the comments section.