Stop Letting What Others Think Hold You Back

Are you tired of NOT taking that one step to do what you really want to do because of what people might think about you? Well, it’s time to stop holding back and to take that step! You are worth more than what others might say or think about you.

You have the power to create your life and to live the life you want to live. No one can tell you what to do and no one can tell you what is best for you. You have to take the first step and go for it!

Here are some reminders we all need to hear from time to time.

  • It’s YOUR life and no one else is as invested in your life as you.
  • Many times someone else’s opinion is based on what they would do or what’s right for them. We’re all unique. You know what feels right for you.
  • If you keep caring about what others think, you may never realize your dreams.
  • Life is short and it’s your life. Live it in accordance with your values.
  • It’s impossible to please everyone and you’ll drive yourself crazy trying.

No one really cares or judges you as much as you think they do. When you become obsessed about other people’s opinions of you, you forget your own.

So much of our happiness and unhappiness revolves around how we look at ourselves and, for many of us, our self-esteem is largely based on others’ opinions of us. Learn to love yourself for who you are, flaws and all! Start living according to your values and what makes you happy. You’ll be surprised at just how much easier life becomes when you do this.

Make an effort to release fear of judgment. It may take time. You’ll need to become highly aware of your thoughts and practice replacing those thoughts with another thought that better serves you. If you want help with this, check out the transformational Positive Intelligence Coaching Program I offer.

Let me share with you how I live my life and it has worked wonders for me. I am a life coach and mental fitness expert and I know that if you do what makes you happy, you’ll be much happier person.

I spent two weeks this summer with my grandson, Marshall. Our time together unexpectedly coincided with my starting a new position as the U.S. Government Account Director at Positive Intelligence.

😳 So – needless to say I had quite a bit on my plate.

Practicing what I learned through Positive Intelligence enabled me to quiet my mind, specifically my Hyper Achiever and Restless Saboteurs, so I could focus on what really mattered during these few weeks – creating lasting, positive memories with Marshall.

I got my work done in ease and flow AND Marshall and I flew to Denver and visited my daughter, Anna, pictured here with Marshall.

  • We saw 100 million year old dinosaur footprints
  • We took the train to the top of Pikes Peak
  • Visited the Denver Aquarium
  • Went to the library
  • Listened to live Bluegrass music
  • Swam in the pool
  • Fed the ducks at the park
  • Went to the playground
  • Shopped at the local farmer’s market
  • Watched fun videos and played games
  • Saw the movie Minions
  • Visited the Virginia Children’s museum

I was able to do all of this because I made a commitment to myself to live in the moment and not worry about what others will think. This is one of the lessons I learned through the Positive Intelligence program.

You can create a life you LOVE living! You can be in the moment, not distracted by thoughts of what others may think or by your never ending to do list.

So if you find yourself feeling overwhelmed or frustrated with your current situation, I invite you to sit with those thoughts. Write them down. I invite you to set an intention and take action towards creating the life you want – towards moving in the direction of your dreams.

I am a professional life coach and I help people create lives they love living. Learn more about how to create a life YOU love living by visiting my website or through my social media platforms (links below).

So what are you waiting for? Start living the life that you want to live today! 

Want support? Let’s hop on a call and see if we’re a fit to work together